About us

Crowood StableThe Crowood Press was founded by John Dennis in 1982 with an initial list based on country interests. Since then we have grown to include a diverse range of titles for hobbyists, enthusiasts and professionals in each of our publishing areas. We are proud to boast a backlist that includes over 1,400 titles, including many bestsellers such as The Artist BlacksmithLinocut for Artists and Designers and Craft Cider Making. We continue to publish some eighty new books each year.

Our books are distinguished by their talented authors who we are proud to represent, and who are experts in their fields. Together with a dedicated in-house team and a network of editors, designers and printers, we have built a reputation for high-quality books from practical manuals to lavish monographs.

Over the years we have taken opportunities to expand our lists by acquiring like-minded publishers, including Windrow & Greene, The Farming Press, Airlife and, most recently, Robert Hale with its successful imprints JA Allen and NAG Press. We have embraced advances in the publishing sector and now offer all our titles as e-books. Further afield, we have built valuable relationships with stock holding distributors around the world and have strong links with overseas publishers to negotiate rights deals.

Still a family-run business based in rural Wiltshire, we remain true to John Dennis’ founding mission: to publish high-quality books packed with detailed information on specialist interests to be enjoyed by our discerning customers.


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